Consultancy to implement the campaign plan on VUP (including digital payments) and to design, produce, print and disseminate related communication and training materials tender at GIZ
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Consultancy to implement the campaign plan on VUP (including digital payments) and to design, produce, print and disseminate related communication and training materials

Reference Number: 83467333

Date of Publication: 12.06.2024

0. Context

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. The GIZ Office in Kigali covers GIZ’s portfolio in Rwanda and Burundi. GIZ Rwanda/Burundi implements projects on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the European Union and other commissioning authorities in the following priority areas: Sustainable Economic Development, Good Governance, Climate, Energy and Sustainable Urban Development, Digitalization and Digital Economy, Mineral Governance, Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region.

The global programme ‘Global Alliances for Social Protection (GASP)’ supports partner countries in enhancing the capacities of their social protection systems to prepare for and respond to shocks, commonly known as adaptive social protection (ASP). Within the framework of the global programme, the Social Protection Project Rwanda (SPP) focuses on strengthening dynamic, inclusive and responsive aspects of the Rwandan social protection system. The TA project is aligned to the priorities of the Social Protection Sector Strategic Plan of the Rwandan government It is structured along three interlinked intervention areas: 1) strengthening data based steering capacities for the implementation of social protection policies, 2) strengthening the dynamic elements of the social registry and its integration into the wider digital architecture (incl. links to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation), 3) supporting the roll-out and operation of e-payments and the dynamic social registry and implementation capacities.

The Vision Umurenge Programme (VUP) is Rwanda’s flagship social protection programme. The VUP is basically a social assistance programme targeting poor households with a variety of financial and social assistance. Ever since its establishment, the VUP has been key to the delivery of a range of national targets under the first National Strategy for Transformation (2018-2024) and realization of Vision 2050. The Government´s assistance to the poor goes under the VUP. VUP has four components namely safety net, graduation, shock responsiveness as well as sensitisation and public communication.

The current VUP payments processes include the outreach, registration, payroll preparations, payments transfer, payment disbursement and fund withdrawal of beneficiaries. Payment disbursement process is done at the Umurenge Savings and Credit Cooperative (SACCO) level. To minimise the delays in this process, all SACCOs are being currently digitized where VUP beneficiaries are expected to access the government funds anywhere and anytime. This includes the option to “pull” payments from the SACCO account to their mobile phones or to ask for it at any SACCO.

In this context, GIZ Rwanda under the Social Protection Project (SPP), in collaboration with the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA), would like to contract an event management company to design and produce, print and distribute communication materials, and implement the campaign plan on VUP, including digital payment. The company would also be tasked to contract a learning expert to develop training materials for different target groups.


  • Raise awareness and understanding of the VUP, including on electronic payments, related processes and benefit levels among social protection beneficiaries, other community members, stakeholders and the general public.
  • Improve the efficiency of service delivery to VUP beneficiaries through strengthening beneficiaries through local level actors, including local government officials, community leaders, SACCOs and MNOs;
  • Showcasing the benefits of Social Protection programmes to different stakeholders/donors.

1. Tasks to be performed by the contractor.

The contractor is responsible for providing the following services supporting LODA in piloting the campaign on VUP including e-payments in three districts. All activities and related materials for this campaign shall be in Kinyarwanda. This includes:

  1. Development and printing of awareness-raising materials: (13 days)
  • 3 pull up banners (same design for all 3);
  • 2 tear drop banners (same design for both);
  • 9 street banners (same design for all 9),
  • 1,500 leaflets/brochures/flyers bearing key messages on VUP and digital payments (one design for all)
  • 420 posters bearing key messages on VUP and digital payments. (one design for all)
  • The content of the materials is to be developed jointly with LODA and GIZ and has to be approved by LODA before printing.
  • Templates and materials must be submitted as digitally usable and printable files. The rights of use are transferred to LODA and GIZ.
  1. Development of high-quality multimedia communication materials (videos) (20 days)
  • 3 educational videos (5 min each video) and a short version of each video (90 seconds per video) that explain processes or key outcomes and messages. This includes
    • Prepare a storyboard and script, including interview questions for featured individuals, after familiarising themselves with the topic of the respective video.
    • Interview and film the protagonists on location as specified in the brief.
    • Film additional atmospheric shots or b-roll footage as specified in the brief and agreed upon as part of the script/storyboards.
    • The language of the videos is in Kinyarwanda with English subtitles. The contractor is responsible for quality assurance of the English subtitles.
    • Production/post-production of each video: Edit, tune, subtitle; add voice overs/off-speakers according to the specific design guidelines provided by the projects.
    • Prepare an additional abbreviated version of each video at ca. 90 seconds (for social media purposes). All of the above specifications also apply for these shortened clips.
    • Produce signed consent forms from all subjects visible in the videos. A template will be provided by GIZ. The contractor must ensure that all forms are accurately completed and signed. They must also clearly allocate the forms to the persons in the videos. All forms are gathered and handed to the respective project after video footage is produced.
    • Obtain the necessary permits to film at the respective locations including for b-roll footage.
    • Provide all the necessary technical equipment for video, audio and post-production processes.
    • Provide small-scale video editing on demand.
    • Use infographics and/or animation if preferred and agreed upon with the client.
    • The content of the materials is to be developed jointly with LODA and GIZ and has to be approved by LODA before production
  1. Development and broadcasting of high-quality multimedia communication materials (radio) (16 days)
  • Production of one pre-recorded talk shows (15 min magazines) reflecting beneficiary perspectives including rights and their responsibilities for the VUP and digital payments;
  • Produce and broadcast 1 radio spot on VUP including on e-payments of a maximum of 60 seconds to be broadcasted for 30 days
  • Produce and broadcast 4 radio talk shows (1 hours) on VUP and digital payments.
  • Production and publishing of 3 articles and supplements in newspapers.
  • The content of the materials is to be developed jointly with LODA and GIZ and has to be approved by LODA before production.

The contractor must use the local radio stations that are popular in the three pilot districts (Nyamagabe, Rusizi and Burera districts). In addition, the three articles and newspaper supplements will be published in English and 1 in Kinyarwanda.

  1. Development of training materials on electronic payments targeting district, sector, SACCOs and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and conduction of ToT (13 days)
  • Development and design of training materials in Kinyarwanda
  • Conduct Trainings of Trainers (ToTs) workshops on e-payments to district social development unity director, social protection officer, data manager, sector social affairs, SACCOs and MNOs (one day workshop per district, approx. 50 participants per district)
  • The content of the materials is to be developed jointly with LODA and GIZ and has to be approved by LODA before production;
  • Draft materials are already available
  1. Development of training materials on electronic payments targeting VUP beneficiaries through Digital Ambassadors and Para Social Workers and conduction of ToT 108 days)
  • Development and design of adequate training materials adapted to VUP beneficiaries in Kinyarwanda adjusted from the materials above and other available material
  • The methodology should be suitable for the target group (VUP beneficiaries) and be easy to deliver; it will be agreed upon with LODA and RISA
  • The content of the materials is to be developed jointly with LODA, RISA, the World Bank, and GIZ and has to be approved by LODA and RISA before production;
  • The objective of the final training will be to ensure that VUP beneficiaries can fully operate all self-service channels provided to them whilst fully empowering them to appreciation related risks such as avoidance of PIN sharing, SMS Phishing schemes, fraudulent calls that use social engineering schemes to manipulate and defraud consumers, etc.
  • Conduct Training of Trainers (ToTs) workshops on e-payments (1 day, approx. 35 participants) who will train digital ambassadors who will train para social workers.
  1. Organise and coordinate / implement launch and community outreach events (27 days)
  • 1 launching event.
  • 3 community outreaches in 3 districts (Nyamagabe, Rusizi and Burera).
  1. Potentially adjust any of the developed materials after the piloting, as needed (10 days)

Certain milestones, as laid out in the table below, are to be achieved by certain dates during the contract term, and at particular locations:

Milestone/process steps/partial services

Deadline/place/person responsible

Kick-off meeting

July 2024

Inception report

By August 2024

Awareness-materials including audios, videos and radio spots, are approved, designed and printed/disseminated.

By September 2024

Educational videos are produced and approved

By October 2024

Trainings are conducted (ToT for districts and ToT for RISA/digital ambassadors)

By November 2024

Launch and Community outreaches took place

By December 2024

Radio talk shows, radio spot and pre-recorded talk shows are broadcasted

By December 2024

Articles and supplements in newspapers are published

By January 2025

Final report on the implementation of the awareness campaign on VUP including on e-payments available

By February 2025

Period of assignment: From July2024 until February 2025. Please note, this timeline is based on the planned availability of digital payments by August 2024. In case these delays, timelines might also shift.

3. Technical-methodological concept

Strategy (section 1.1 of the assessment grid)

In the bid, the bidder is required to describe its strategy to achieve the objectives defined in Chapter 2 of the technical proposal, if applicable under consideration of further specific method-related requirements (technical-methodological concept). In addition, the bidder must show its understanding of the ToRs and describe any aspects, the bidder defines as critical and specifically challenging, including proposed solutions.

Cooperation (section 1.2. of the assessment grid)

Close cooperation with LODA and GIZ is key with regards to ensuring ownership over the produced materials and implemented campaign from LODAs side especially. The bidder is therefore required to explain how he/she foresees the cooperation with LODA, GIZ and other key stakeholders, including the strategy for establishing this cooperation.

Steering Structure (section 1.3. of the assessment grid)

The bidder is requested to describe how he/she foresees the steering of the work.

Processes (section 1.4. of the assessment grid)

The bidder is required to describe the key processes for the services for which it is responsible and create a schedule that describes how the services according to Chapter 2 are to be provided. In particular, the bidder is required to describe the necessary work steps and take account of the milestones and contributions of other actors, including LODA and GIZ, in accordance with Chapter 2.

Project management of the contractor (section 1.6. of the assessment grid)

The bidder is required to explain its approach for coordination with the GIZ project and LODA.

  • The contractor is responsible for selecting, preparing, training and steering the experts assigned to perform the advisory tasks.
  • The contractor manages costs and expenditures, accounting processes and invoicing in line with the requirements of GIZ.

In the bid, the bidder is asked to present the personnel assignment plan, who would do what and when and what are the required work steps. This includes an explanation of the expert months. This should also include information on the technical and administrative backstopper person.

4. Personnel concept

The bidder is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described, on the basis of their CVs (see Chapter 11), the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.

The below specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points.

Team leader

Tasks of the team leader

  • Overall responsibility for the advisory packages of the contractor (quality and deadlines)
  • Coordinating and ensuring communication with GIZ, LODA and others involved in the project
  • Personnel management, in particular identifying the need for short-term assignments within the available budget, as well as planning and steering assignments and supporting short-term experts
  • Quality Control
  • Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines

Qualifications of the team leader

  • Education/training (2.1.1): University qualification (Bachelor/Master) in event management, social-/political sciences, economics, business, management, communications, or similar
  • Language (2.1.2): Good business language skills in English (C1)
  • General professional experience (2.1.3): 10 years of professional experience in event management sector and development of awareness materials
  • Specific professional experience (2.1.4): 5 years in organizing events with international organizations or for the Government of Rwanda.
  • Leadership/management experience (2.1.5): 3 years of management/leadership experience as team leader or manager in an events management company
  • Regional experience (2.1.6): 5 years of experience in projects in Rwanda

Short-term expert pool with minimum 3, maximum 6 members

Tasks of the short-term expert pool

  • Active implementation and monitoring of the tasks specified in Chapter 2
  • experts also take on the following tasks:
  • Overall responsibility for the Contractor's consulting packages (quality and deadlines)
  • Adjust the existing training materials in a well user-friendly format
  • Lead the delivery of the training workshops
  • Coordinating the event without a hitch is essential;
  • Contact person during the event for GIZ staff
  • Regular and timely reporting

Qualifications of the short-term expert pool

  • Education/training (2.6.1):
    • 1 expert with university/training qualification in graphic design, design, educational technology, and instructional design,
    • 1 expert with university qualification in communication, media studies, or related field,
    • 1 expert with university degree in Education or related field
  • Language (2.6.2):
    • 3 expert with excellent language skills in English (C1) and
    • 2 experts with business fluent in Kinyarwanda (C1)
  • General professional experience (2.6.3):
    • 1 expert with 5 years of experience in the graphic design sector
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in communication including content design
    • 1 expert with 5 years professional experience in designing and implementing trainings.
    • 1 expert with 5 years professional experience in writing articles and social media content
    • 1 expert with social protection experience
  • Specific professional experience (2.6.4):
    • 1 expert with 5 years of experience in team management related to communication
    • 1 expert with 5 years of experience in video production and editing;
    • 1 expert with 5 years’ experience in conducting trainings.
  • Development Cooperation Experience
    • 2 experts with 2 years of experience of working with Government and/or Development Partners (DPs)

The bidder must provide a clear overview of all proposed short-term experts and their individual qualifications.

5. Costing requirements

Assignment of personnel

In your tender, please do not deviate from the specification of quantities required in these ToRs (the number of experts and expert days, the budget specified in the price schedule), because this is part of the competitive tender and is used to ensure that the tenders can be compared objectively. There is no entitlement to use the total number of expert days or the specified budget. The number of expert days corresponds to the working days.

  1. Fees

Fee days

Number of experts

Number of days



Preparation/ debriefing

Team Leader

Expert pool







Team Leader, Expert Pool (Learning Expert, Communication, Graphic designer, and Videographer)


Team Leader (1)

Expert pool (4) (i.e Learning Expert, Communication Expert, Graphic designer, and Videographer)





Design awareness materials (Leaflets/flyers, Tear drop and pull up banners, T-shirts (polo), Street banners (6sqm*9 banners)

Design awareness materials for the launching event and outreaches.

Adjust and finalise learning materials in a well design and visual format (i.e PPT, etc)

Production of radio talk shows (live talk shows, pre-recorded and radio spot)

Production of videos and articles

Organise and coordinate events

  1. Travel Expenses

Travel expenses for launch and outreach events for consultants



Total (RWF)


Per-diem allowance country of assignment


For 1 Launch and 3 outreach events (3 experts with 8 days per expert)

Overnight allowance in country of assignment


For 1 Launch and 3 outreach events (3 experts with 8 days per expert)

Travel costs (private vehicle)

2300 km

In total for launch and all outreaches

Travel expenses for trainings



Total (RWF)


Per-diem allowance country of assignment for consultants


For 3 trainings in 3 districts for 1 day + travel days for 1 expert

Overnight allowance in country of assignment for consultants


For 3 trainings in 3 districts for 1 day + travel days for 1 expert

Travel costs (private vehicle) for consultants


For all trainings in total

Travel costs for participants (trainings at district level and ToT for digital ambassadors)


To travel from their sector or district to training venue

Travel expenses for video production for consultants


Price (RWF)

Total (RWF)


Per-diem allowance country of assignment


For video production of 2 experts with 3 days per each

Overnight allowance in country of assignment


For video production of 2 experts with 3 days per each

Travel costs (private vehicle)


For video production of 2 experts with 3 days per each

Other costs



Total (RWF)


Flexible remuneration


8,764,315 RWF


A budget of RWF 8,764,315 is foreseen for flexible remuneration. Please incorporate this budget into the price schedule.

Use of the flexible remuneration item requires prior written approval from GIZ.

  1. Venues and Equipment

Venues and Materials for trainings, launch and outreaches

Number of participants

Number of events


Hall hire and catering for trainings at district level



Conferencing or similar appropriate venue, including catering

3 trainings for 1 day

Hall hire and catering for ToT training in Kigali



Conferencing or similar appropriate venue, including catering

1 day-long training

Renting of equipment for community outreaches



Decoration (tent), chairs and sound system

3 outreaches á 1 days

Expected 2000 participants per event:

Renting of equipment for Launch in one district



Decoration (tent), chairs and sound system


1 event á 1 day

Expected nr. of participants 1,000

  1. Production of Materials


Number of copies

Physical Unit


Leaflets/flyers of 135 gr glossary/color/size A4

Posters/color/size A0

Tear drop banner/color/standard

Pull up banners (with large base)/plastic/color/size 1x2 m

Branded T-shirts-polo (best quality), color different types and size

Street banners/color/ (2x3m*9 banners)













Production of the mentioned materials.

Final specifications to be determined after materials drafted.

Approximate specifications:

- Printed in colour

- High quality paper

Broadcasting Radio talk shows and publication of the articles

Number of Items

Number of Days


Airing cost for live radio talk shows (1 hour)



Airing cost for pre-recorded talk shows for 15 min. magazines



Airing of 1 radio spot of 60 second for 30 days (2times/day-3days/week) on three selected radio stations




60 second radio spot

Publishing of articles and supplements in newspapers


Cost for publishing articles

Calculate your financial bid exactly in line with the quantitative requirements of the specification of inputs above. There is no contractual right to use up the full days/travel or workshops or budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budgets will be contractually agreed as maximum amounts. The regulations on pricing are contained in the price schedule.

Please note that all costs for travels will be covered based on GIZ rules and regulations, which will be made available to the winning company before signing of the contract.

Total: 120 expert days

Flexible remuneration item

A flexible remuneration position is provided for in the amount of 10% of the contract value. Please include them in your price sheet.

The billing of the costs takes place against proof.

5. Inputs of GIZ and LODA

GIZ and/or other actors are expected to make the following available:

  • Provision of the colour codes of the corporate design
  • Provision of all required logos of GoR, GIZ, BMZ, and the members of the initiatives
  • Providing inputs for the content and approval of the content

6. Requirements on the format of the bid

The structure of the bid must correspond to the structure of the ToRs. In particular, the detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 3) is to be organised in accordance with the positively weighted criteria in the assessment grid (not with zero). It must be legible (font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The bid is drawn up in English.

The complete bid shall not exceed 10 pages (excluding CVs).

The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 8 of the ToRs must be submitted using the format specified in the terms and conditions for application. The CVs shall not exceed 4 pages. The CVs must clearly show the position and job the proposed person held in the reference project and for how long. The CVs can also be submitted in English.

If one of the maximum page lengths is exceeded, the content appearing after the cut-off point will not be included in the assessment.

Please calculate your price bid based exactly on the aforementioned costing requirements. In the contract the contractor has no claim to fully exhaust the days/travel/workshops/ budgets. The number of days/travel/workshops and the budget amount shall be agreed in the contract as ‘up to’ amounts. The specifications for pricing are defined in the price schedule.

7. Submission of the offer

7.1 Eligibility documents

Participating companies must submit the following documents (as described in the Eligibility assessment grid attached) to be eligibility for technical evaluation,

  • Self-declaration of eligibility for the award
  • A valid registration certificate (issued by RDB),
  • VAT certificate (issued by RRA)
  • Tax clearance certificate (issued by RRA).

Proof of successful completion of related assignments: At least three (3) reference projects in the event management, out of which 1 in the social protection sector and at least 2 projects implemented in Rwanda in the last 3 years

Non-submission/Partial submission of commercial/technical documents mentioned above by any bidder will lead to a rejection of the entire bid.

7.2 Technical Proposal

  • A cover letter expressing your interest in this assignment
  • Technical Proposal (attached template for technical proposal MUST be used)
  • Up to date CVs of proposed experts

7.3 Financial offer:

Financial offer indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of all costs as described in the specification of inputs. The costs must be in RWF and VAT excluded (Price sheet attached MUST be used).

Please submit electronically your EoI (technical & Financial offer) in 2 separated emails and should be in PDF files to this email until latest 27th June 2024. Eligibility documents are submitted together with Technical proposal in 1 email.

Please you must write on each email subject this sentence: 83467333-Technical/financial offer, without this sentence, your offer may not be considered

Hard copies are not allowed this time

GIZ reserves all rights

8. Annexes

  • Eligibility assessment grid
  • Technical assessment grid
  • Technical proposal template
  • Self-declaration of eligibility for the award

9. List of abbreviations

ASP Adaptive Social Protection

BMZ German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development

FSPs Financial Service Providers

GASP Global Alliances for Social Protection

GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

GoR Government of Rwanda

LODA Local Administrative Entities Development Agency

MINALOC Ministry of Local Government

MNOs Mobile Network Operators

RISA Rwanda Information Society Agency

SACCO Saving and Credit Cooperative

SPP Social Protection Project

TA Technical Assistance

ToTs Training of Trainers

ToR Terms of Reference

VUP Vision Umurenge Programme (formerly known as Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme

Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: Thursday, June 27 2024
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 12-06-2024
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 12-06-2024
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 12-06-2065
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