Vacancy title:
Director of Finance
Jobs at:
Gicumbi DistrictDeadline of this Job:
Tuesday, August 15 2023
Date Posted: Wednesday, August 09 2023, Base Salary: Not Disclosed
- Coordinate the planning and budgeting, activity implementation and performance progress reporting (financial statement and budget execution report), monitoring and evaluation of the Unit and supervise all staff therein;
- Elaborate, at Unit level, actionable strategies (including resource mobilisation) meant to localise national policies and implement the District Council’s decisions pertaining to finances and economic development;
- Supervise the elaboration of the budget for the whole institution and work hand in hand with all heads of Departments and or Units to prepare and consolidate periodical cash flow plans of the District and periodic fund requests;
- Coordinate the process of payments of goods and services delivered by private operators to the District and check the conformity and accuracy of payment requests before disbursement of funds;
- Serve as a member of the District Technical Coordination Committee and advise the institution on matters pertaining to the sustainability of finances and economic development.
Work Hours: 8
Experience in Months: 36
Level of Education: Bachelor Degree
Job application procedure
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