Terms of Reference for Developing a Management Information System (MIS) at ActionAid Rwanda
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Terms of Reference for Developing a Management Information System (MIS)
1. Introduction
ActionAid Rwanda (AAR) is a Non-Governmental Organization and an Affiliate member of ActionAid Global Federation. It is an anti-poverty agency working with the poor. The organisation started its operations in Rwanda since 1982 to contribute towards achieving social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication by shifting power, redistribution of resources, strengthening the resilience of communities and enforcing rights of people living in poverty and exclusion. AAR operates in 7 Local Rights Programmes (LRPs) namely Nyanza, Gisagara, Ruheru in Nyaruguru District, Murundi and Gitesi in Karongi District, Muko and Shingiro in Musanze District. For the purposes of knowledge management and sharing learnings, AAR seeks to hire a consultant company to support with developing a Management Information System (MIS) that helps with monitoring and tracking the progress against programme and project targets at all levels.

2. Purpose of the Consultancy
AAR’s interventions are at local, national, and international levels making it necessary to have an IT-based system which serves all levels to ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of projects/programmes and ensure timely and quality reporting and accountability. This consultancy will develop the MIS which will help with information capturing, analysing, storing, sharing, and will contribute to learning for the partners and stakeholders. The successful consultant/firm will design a comprehensive MIS, user-friendly and functional, implementable and which responds to the needs for improved programme planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting to ensure improved documentation and sharing learnings and experiences.

3. Scope of the Assignment
AAR is working in 13 communities from 6 Districts, 3 Provinces of Rwanda with its headquarters in Kigali. To implement its interventions, ActionAid works with a number of local, national and international organisation partners. Through ActionAid’s Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA), the organisation develops a five-years Country Strategic Plan (CSP) in which organisations’ interventions are spread in priority areas and each priority area has at least three (3) specific focus areas. The intended MIS will be based on CSP 2 priority areas, and 6 focus areas as follows:
Priority area 1: Address the structural causes of violence against women and girls and secure women’s economic justice and its specific focus areas are:
• Address the structural causes of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).
• 5Rs of Unpaid Care Work for women’s economic justice
• Women and girls ‘participation in leadership and decision-making positions and policy influence.
Priority area 2: Strengthen Resilient Livelihoods and Secure Climate Justice. Its specific focus areas are:
• Access to land, resilient livelihoods, and food Security
• Agroecology & sustainable Environment
• Access to market and financial services
The information system to be developed will provide real time data and will be compatible with other analytical software that the organisation is currently using and should be in line with IT related developments that are currently taking place worldwide. This on-line software will therefore be developed for the Head Quarters in Kigali, the Local Rights Programmes (LRPs) and partners. Related capacity development activities will be carried out to the nominated Actionaid staff, partner field officers and Rights Holders.

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4. Proposed Methodology
The assignment assumes the following steps.
• Understanding the organizational MIS requirements
• Outlining the solution framework through the technical proposal
• Project Initiation
• Gathering of in-depth requirements from Actionaid Program, Policy and Business Development Lead or any other designated staff
• Elaboration of the Technical System Requirements
• System Development
• Testing
• Acceptance from users
• Going live

5. Proposed functions of the MIS
Following points illustrate some views that AAR proposes could be among the uses of the MIS; the MIS should assure data integrity and allow AAR to manage (create, update, and use) the following:
Front page: The front page will include among others, the organisation’s name, country, regions, programmes, physical address, etc.
Country programme overview: The country programme module will include among others
• Country strategy (vision, mission, strategic objectives, priority areas and focus areas, milestone measurements, performance-based alerts, etc.)
• Local Rights Programme: (general information, goal, outcomes, outputs, milestones measurements, beneficiary database, performance-based alerts, phase out objectives and dates and etc)
• Grant projects: (project general information, goal, outcomes, outputs, milestone measurements, performance-based alerts, etc)
• Procurement function: requisitions, orders, invoicing, etc.
• HR function: staff data management (names and identity, date of hiring, date of resignation, gender, education information), Leave management, timesheet, retention rate, payroll, etc.
• Administration and logistics: Vehicle maintenance, logbooks, management of supply chain, commodities management, etc

Monitoring and Evaluation:
• Planning: programme MEL framework, LRP multiyear plan, LRP annual plan, project Logframe, multiyear budget, annual budget, activity proposals/ concept notes, survey questionnaire, etc.
• Reporting (programme, LRP, unit, grant project level): programme dashboard, LRP dashboard, Success stories, monthly updates, quarterly updates, annual report, assessment, baseline, evaluation, PRRP, end of project, specific activity reports, etc.
• Data quality management: data bank, daily/ periodically quantitative and qualitative achievements, data analysis, data auditing, data triangulation, data comparison, quantitative data reporting, data authenticity check, etc.
• Information page: reports, newsletters, photo/ video gallery, other documents

6. Key Deliverables
• Develop an Organisational Management Information System (MIS) which is aligned to the Country Strategic Plan (CSP)
• Develop MIS that displays key modules with a welcome page of consolidated data in form of automated cumulative proportions approved by system admin.
• Develop and deliver a user manual for the MIS.
• Design a user-friendly MIS that is functional/implementable/ including the option of being used on computers and on mobile devices.
• Develop an in-built detailed E-reporting format for monthly, quarterly, and annually that captures all both project/programme interventions under the strategic objectives and key change promises.
• The intended MIS should a web-based system hosted in AOS for security.
• Presentation and demonstration of the final products and system to the end users
• Provide technical support during testing period and commit a one-year time to keep supporting AAR staff and partners technically free of charge.
• Develop staff capacity for ActionAid staff and partners on the operationalization of the system.

7. Requirements
The consultant is expected to have the following qualifications and experience:
• Experience in Web designing and recognized ICT qualification.
• Proven experience in developing MIS evidenced by certificate of completion.
• Monitoring, Evaluation and Documentation skills
• Knowledge and skills in capacity development and skill share
• Traceable strong records for at least two examples of similar web-based MIS developed for the organizations working in Rwanda with similar interventions, and a visit to those organisations will be part of the selection process.
8. Duration
The assignment should be completed in 2 months. This period includes training and setting up of the system at the HQs, LRPs and at Partner Organisations. Technical support will be required for provision of free of charge support, and this should be within one year after handover of final products and report.

9. Applications
We invite interested qualified individual consultants, groups or firms to submit the following application documents:
1) Copy of CV of the consultant(s) who will undertake the assignment not more than 8 pages.
2) Technical proposal in line with the terms and conditions of this TOR not more than 3 pages
3) A proposed activities schedule/work plan with tentative time frame.
4) Financial proposal detailing consultant(s) itemized fees, data collection and administrative costs tax inclusive.
5) Two recent examples of a similar assignment by the applicant (if joint authored to include a description of the role of the named consultant in the submitted evidence).
6) At least submit 2 track records of successful completion of similar assignments.
7) RDB registration certificate
8) Valid RRA Tax clearance certificate

Submission Procedure
Interested consultants/company(ies) should submit their applications to Rwanda.jobs@actionaid.org not later than Wednesday 10th May 2023 at 5:00 pm. Indicate in the subject line: Develop MIS for ActionAid Rwanda
Successful consultant/company will be expected to abide to ActionAid’s values and adhere to ActionAid policies including the Safeguarding Policy, the Child Protection Policy and anti-modern slavery policy, among other ActionAid policies.
Done at Kigali, 27/04/2023
AAR Management
Job Info
Job Category: Accounting/ Finance jobs in Rwanda
Job Type: Full-time
Deadline of this Job: 12 may 2023
Duty Station: Kigali
Posted: 27-04-2023
No of Jobs: 1
Start Publishing: 27-04-2023
Stop Publishing (Put date of 2030): 27-04-2056
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